Make Flutter-like apps with Python that can be run on Browser, Android, IOS, or Windows/macOS!!!

Make Flutter-like apps with Python that can be run on Browser, Android, IOS, or Windows/macOS!!!

Cross platforms apps with Python


Cross platform apps with python.

Flet is mainly a UI framework powered by flutter which can help you make cross platform GUI apps with python or any other language.

You can now make flutter apps with just python with the Flet Framework!! How cool is this! It's a new way to make flutter apps easily. You don't need to use dart language to make flutter apps anymore. You can write and make widgets with the python single file code!! Don't need to download flutter SDK, make an environment and huge file structure. You can now just install the python and flet packages on your machine and you're ready to go.


Flet UI is built with Flutter. Screenshot 2022-11-08 205211.jpg

📂Basic Structure

First, install flet with the command

pip install flet

A basic app structure to start a blank window. It is so easy to write code in Flet. A single-based file setup.

import flet
from flet import Page

def main(page: Page):
    # add/update controls on Page

On the other hand, a basic flutter app structure is like this:

WhatsApp Image 2022-10-15 at 10.05.11.jpg

🖥Basic app with Flet



It is very simple to start with and make your cross-platform apps easily with python very quickly. Concepts are very similar to flutter. But you can write apps with widgets only using simple python code. Get started with Flet. Run your code on any platform.

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